What Is GLA:D

GLA:D® Canada is an evidence-based program for the treatment and management of osteoarthritis symptoms of the hip and knee. The program consists of 1-2 educational sessions and 12 neuromuscular group exercise sessions, each 60 minutes, over 7 weeks total. Check out GLA:D Canada for more information

What to Expect

During your participation in the GLA:D® Canada program at Elevate, you will be assigned to a small group of other participants (4 maximum). The program begins with a 60-90 minute education session where we discuss the causes, symptoms, and progression of arthritis and some of the options available to you to manage those symptoms. We will also introduce you to some of the concepts emphasized in the exercise program. After the education session, you will complete 2 exercise classes per week (1 hour each) for 6 weeks (12 sessions total).