What Is Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy is an effective, non-invasive, multi-modal method for optimizing muscle, nerve, and joint health and minimizing pain and dysfunction of these tissues. Whether addressing long-standing issues or acute injuries, physiotherapy can relieve pain and inflammation, reduce muscle tension and joint stiffness, improve posture, and restore or maintain optimal movement, strength and function.
When Should I See a Physiotherapist
Physiotherapy may be utilized for treating chronic pain, weakness, or other dysfunction, as pre or post-surgical rehabilitation, following fractures, sprains, and dislocations, and as part of well-rounded maintenance healthcare.
What to Expect
During an Initial Assessment, the Physiotherapist will analyze your present symptoms and health history, goals, range of motion, strength, and movement patterns in order to develop an effective course of treatment. The Physiotherapist will provide education regarding your current condition, as well as recommendations for a plan going forward.
Treatment may include any combination of manual therapy, active supervised exercises, and other modalities such as athletic taping, laser, ultrasound, or needling techniques, as required to aid in pain relief, improve function, or help speed healing. Braces or other assistive materials may be suggested for consideration if indicated. A home program of exercises, stretches, and/ or other guidelines to follow will be provided as well, to facilitate the continuation of healing between sessions and to promote the maintenance of wellbeing into the future.
Physiotherapy at Elevate
We believe that assessment and treatment should be personalized, one on one, and tailored to your goals and specific presentation. Physiotherapy with us begins with an in-depth assessment, discussion of findings and recommendations, and treatment with our Physiotherapist lasting approximately 60 minutes in total. Follow-up treatment appointments will be roughly 30 minutes in length, and will consist of a brief reassessment followed by any number of indicated treatment techniques.